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16th Infantry Regiment
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SLT Candidates
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Tank Commander Leadership Training
1) Is in constant communication with other Tanks Commanders, Squad leads and over all Commander.
2) Is proficient at reading the map and marking targets on the map.
3) Calling out target’s description, compass direction, what the target is near and direction of movement.
4) Can handle marking multiple targets at one time.
5) Is proficient at placing infantry around the tank for protection.
6) Understands all the different rolls of each tank type and their function on the battlefield.
7) Provides the driver with a planed route to an objective.
8) Use’s cover and concealment to keep tank protected as possible.
9) When in formation with other tanks uses the best possible placement to protect the whole formation.
10) Is in control of the tank crew and placement of fire at all times.
11) Has completed lession 1 of the SLT Program
Expert Tank Badge
1. Proficiently drive the tank in all terrain around or over all obstacles without getting the tank stuck.
2. Understands how to face the tank when engaging other armor.
3. How to place the tank in cover for protection, concealment, or vantage point with little instruction from the commander.
4. As the Gunner, understands where the soft points of the different tanks are to do maximum damage.
5. As the Gunner can engage all targets near of far with accuracy.
6. As Gunner, can switch between AP & HE and how the munitions work. How to use HE against infantry. Where to shoot HE to do maximum damage to soft targets.
7. When to use the MG and when to use the main gun against targets.
8. When in the command spot describes what the target is, compass bearing direction of movement and what the target is near.
9. While acting as commander is always in communication with command and squad leaders.
10. Works well with infantry or other tanks as needed.
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