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Ban Log Report

Ban Log Author:

Created Date:

Sgt. McMasy

Monday, May 2, 2022 at 8:45:07 PM UTC


Player Name:

Big Texas McButtrapi


1 week ban

Player STEAM ID: 


Rule Violated:

No Main Base Camping. Only Recon squads may attack enemy HQ’s (not recon tanks)

Reason for Ban:

Player had been warned three times previously about our rule stating that no armor is allowed to camp HQs. After our third conversation he was placed on the watchlist for repeated rule breaking, during a game earlier today he was observed by our admins spawn camping enemy HQ in a Puma. Since he had been warned three times previously and was placed on the watchlist he has been given a 1 week ban, any further rule breaking will result in a perma ban.

Supporting Documents:


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