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Ban Log Report
Ban Log Author:
Created Date:
Sgt. Woahapotato101
Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 8:14:18 PM UTC

Player Name:
Perma Ban
Player STEAM ID:
Rule Violated:
Be Respectful, No use of racist, offensive or derogatory language.
Reason for Ban:
SILLYxSNIP3R was initially punished for going into enemy HQ as a machine gunner and killing the other team. Admin Directly told them to leave HQ and it was agains the rules. When SILLYxSNIP3R was seen back in the enemy HQ with a bandage the admin once again verbally warned the person to leave. SILLYxSNIP3R then went on a verbal rant calling the admin a "Retard in voice chat."
Supporting Documents:
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