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Ban Log Report

Ban Log Author:

Created Date:

Maj. Donofrio

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 10:27:01 PM UTC


Player Name:



General Discharge and 30 day Discord Ban

Player STEAM ID: 


Rule Violated:

Report any rule violations to admins and the highest ranking 16th IR member

Reason for Ban:

Iqbal was banned from discord on 8/23/23 at approximately 5:50 PM EST for many issues leading to the ban.


Iqbal was retired and demoted around the month of May for the following: "Was caught lying to members of leadership when approached about trying to get members to join the 10th Mountain Division, for this it was agreed to have a general discharge instead of an honorable one." Iqbal returned in July with the stipulation he would be starting out as a private.


Iqbal again retired on July 3rd 2023.


Due to policy changes in the 16th which included not posting sexually explicit material in the discord, Iqbal was banned by a member of S2. After a 24 hour time out, Iqbal returned to discord, yet trying to start issues instead of solving them by posting in discord public chat. After being reached out to by Major Donofrio in DM chat, it was clear Iqbal has no intention of contacting the correct members of leadership and instead would rather cause outcry in public chat leading him to say "doing it privatly will not sort it out".


Member can rejoin discord in 30 days.

Supporting Documents:

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